> -----Original Message-----
> From:  Mike Brown
> Sent: Friday, December 16, 2011 15:31
> To: cygwin mail list
> I desperately need to get this fixed as I will be leaving for a trip on
the 20th and
> have some cron stuff to run while I am gone.
> I ran cron-diagnose.sh, which now runs the cron-config, and changed from
> me to local system and that still didn't fix the problem.  A ps -eaf shows
> cron is now UID SYSTEM and not 0.  But that did not make a difference.  I
set up
> the following entry in my crontab:
>     12 14 * * *       touch /tmp/crontest
> The time came and went and no zero length file showed up.
> Running cronevents, the list had the following error line:
> 2011/12/16 14:12:01 [SYSTEM] /usr/sbin/cron: PID 2524: (Vidiot) WRONG FILE
> OWNER (tabs/Vidiot)
> Which file is it exactly complaining about?  My crontab file, which worked
> under 1.5?  What is needed to fix it?  Where is the crontab file placed?

Yes, it is in /var/cron/tabs/
Problems like this have been reported when a user xxxx is both a local user
and a domain user (2 xxxx entries in /etc/passwd).
Cron with suid to the 1st matching passwd entry 

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