On 12/16/2011 10:55 PM, Mike Brown wrote:
> Long standing programs like cron just install and run.  Using cygwin 1.5,
> it does.  Using 1.7, it does not.  I have no idea what was done to 1.7 to 
> cause
> cron to not work, no matter what the Hell I try to do.
> So I said f**k it and removed all of the 1.7 files and reinstalled 1.5 from
> the local files that I have.

Did you ever try to install 1.7 from scratch rather than attempt an
upgrade of 1.5?  The upgrade /should/ work, but it's also pretty easy to
try a fresh installation.  You can even do it along side your 1.5
installation so that you can work out the kinks without making your
system non-functional.

Regarding your cron and sshd issues, the only other thing I can think
that would bust them both as you described is the change to user access
token management.  The details of how things are in 1.7 are here:


Basically, things have changed, but I can't really tell you what exactly
myself.  I can assure you though that while I never had need of cron I
did make extensive use of sshd under Cygwin 1.7 on Windows 2000, XP,
2003, 2008, and 7 systems.  It worked well for virgin systems, but I may
have had to clobber the accounts used for sshd services and re-run
ssh-host-config on systems where I upgraded from Cygwin 1.5.  That was
some time ago now, so I can't remember for sure.

If in doubt, start everything on a virgin system to prove that you can
get things working.  Then compare with the upgraded system to figure out
the differences.

Of course, if there's no compelling need to upgrade to Cygwin 1.7, skip
it and have some fun in your life. ;-)


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