On Feb  8 09:49, Jesse Ziser wrote:
> On 2/7/2012 11:58 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> >The MinGW cross-compiles are not "barely supported".  They are included
> >in the distribution precisely so that people can build pure-windows
> >programs under Cygwin.
> Oh?  Then I got the wrong impression from the documentation and the
> mailing list when I was trying to work all that out a few years ago.
> I can't find it now, but I could swear there was something about it
> being "deprecated" or "partially supported" or something.

Deprecated was only the -mno-cygwin option for the cygwin gcc.  The
non-deprecated and much cleaner solution is what we have in the distro
now: A full-fledged cross-compiler for the mingw32 target.


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