On 24/02/2012 15:36, Paul Keir wrote:
> echo $? returns 1 after using gcc.

  Right, that's "helpful" of it!  That's clearly just a fail status but not an
errno value.

  Anyway, I think your cygcheck reveals the problem.  You have multiple
cygwin1.dlls of different versions in your path at the same time.  You also
have a homebrew build of gcc 4.7 in your path, and it's using SJLJ exceptions
rather than DW2, which means that its runtime DLLs will be incompatible with
the standard system ones.

  Try removing the cygwin1.dll from C:\Windows\SYSTEM, and cutting
C:\Users\XXXXXXXX\home\apps\gcc-4.7-20120128\bin out of your PATH, and see if
that fixes it.


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