On 24/02/2012 15:07, Eliot Moss wrote:
> On 2/24/2012 9:57 AM, Jim Rome wrote:
>> Larry Hall (Cygwin<reply-to-list-only-lh<at>  cygwin.com>  writes:
>>> To the OP, run the same from an elevated prompt and these
>>> errors should disappear.
>> I tried it also with windows style paths, both using \\ and / as
>> separators with the same results.
>> What does "to the OP" mean?  And are you implying it has to be run
>> as an administrator? MinGW does not require that.
> OP = Original Poster (see the cygwin standard acronyms :-) )
> Yes, the responder *is* saying that you need to run this as
> administrator.  

  No.  He was saying that if you run *cygcheck* from an elevated prompt, you
won't get the "Can't open service" errors.


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