
I can not reproduce the problem using the DOS batch script.

For the batch script:
Rem run forever
find "someString" n:\path\to\file
goto lab1
everything is fine (of course, maybe is M$ just too slow
to reproduce the problem ;)

When I start a similar shell script:
while true
      t=`grep someString /n/path/to/file`
      echo  /n/path/to/file
I receive soon a message from grep: "No such host or network path"
and drive (server) is not accessible (also not for windows/dos). After
some time (ca. 5 sec) the drive is again on-line (until the next crash).

Anyway, I did not realize any problems if I'm using native M$ tools or
self made C/C++ programs (e.g. processing of large number of files).


> This sounds more like a Novel Client issue than a Cygwin issue.
> Try running the following DOS batch file (as, say, xxx.bat).  Note that
> this does not use any Cygwin commands at all and will only test the file
> access from a pure Windows/DOS environment:
> Rem run forever
> :lab1
> type n:\path\to\network\file
> goto lab1
> Be warned, that on a fast machine, it's difficult to break out of the
> batch loop.  But, if it errors out, then it's not Cygwin that's at fault.

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