I recently installed cygwin 1.3.14-1 (according to cygcheck).  gcc is
unable to compile c source code (gcc claims to be version 3.2).

Example code from "test.c":

#include <stdio.h>
int main(){

Not complicated code by any stretch of the imagination.  It compiles fine
with gcc on the linux box next door, not suprisingly.

I've tried doing a complete install of the entire cygwin env., and
uninstalling followed by reinstalling the development group (and the
binutils package individually).  I still get this error when I try to compile:

$ gcc -o test.exe test.c
gcc: installation problem, cannot exec 
'/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i686-pc-cygwin/3.2/../../../../i686-pc-cygwin/bin/as.exe': Invalid 

If I copy and paste the path to as.exe, it runs just fine.  The file
exists.  I've tried it without the "-o test.exe" part - same result.  I
tried moving the file from a network mounted drive to a local path - same
result.  My searches turned up nothing, but then, I may have been looking
in the wrong place.  If someone could either point me to that place or
just solve the problem, I'd be somewhat appreciative. :)

Thanks a bunch.

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