On Apr 26 10:49, KJ wrote:
> I've installed CygWin in the root directory "C:\Program Files
> (x86)\CygWin" (I know that it's not recommended to use spaces in the
> directory names), but my installation worked so far.
> I'd like to suggest a minor change when calling the _autorebase package.
> As far as I could see setup.exe calls
> 'cmd.exe /c C:\Program Files
> (x86)\CygWin\etc\postinstall\autorebase.bat'. This command fails because
> of the spaces in the directory name. It would be great if the command
> following the /c switch could be enclosed into double quotes and the
> command would succeed.

Thanks for the hint.  This is generic behaviour in setup.exe.  I changed
setup to add quotes around the filename in all script calls in
postinstall or preremove.  This will be in the next setup.exe version.


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