On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Michael A Chase wrote:

> On Wed, 06 Nov 2002 12:52:51 +0100 Sven Köhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > warum verweißt du ihn auf perl5.8?
> > ist es nicht wünschenswert, daß perl dateien im text-mode öffnet?
> > bzw. sie nur genau dann als binär behandelt, wenn man binmode() aufruft?
> Bable Fish translation (not many of us understand German):
>    why do you know it on perl5.8? isn't it desirable that Perl opens
>    files in the text mode? and/or it only exactly as binary treats
>    if one calls binmode()?
> Gerrit asked you to try 5.8.0 because if there is a problem in the
> distributed Perl, he is unlikely to go back and fix the older version.

Garrit asked me, not Sven who wrote the german text, to try 5.8.
Anyway, Perl 5.8 doesn't seem to have the binmode bug/problem.
I'm happy for now. Thanks!

 Mikael Hubsch                 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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