richw writes:
>>when you access the NFS export, three daemons get started
>>(mountd, nfsd and portmap) under their own account (apparently .\nfs?).
> The daemons are apparently started before the NFS export is accessed.
> At least, the windows "services" report shows them as "started".
> The logon Is .\nfs

So the domain is "." and the account "nfs"?

>>Those should see the following mount points according to cygcheck3.out:
> I don't have /usr/bin or /usr/lib in exports, but I think you are
> saying that if I did, I could access them via NFS.

Maybe.  It could be worth a try.

>>When you run bash before starting the daemons you said you see these
>>mounts instead:
> I goofed, and didn't initially notice the difference between (user)
> and (auto) in the mount command response. When I do the mount manually
> to correct for the missing mount, it shows (user).

Do the mounts resurrect correctly via "mount -a"?

> When I reboot and run bash first, I see (auto) as expected.
> /etc/fstab is empty (except for comments), as is /etc/fstab.d

Do you get things back to working state by closing all Cygwin
applications, then stopping all Cygwin services and then starting bash?

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