oh that's my bad.
yes that works, thanks Larry!


On 06/28/2012 05:51 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 6/28/2012 5:06 PM, ping wrote:
I run into an account priviledge issue here when I tried to setup ssh
in cygwin.
I don't remember I ever ran into this previously in winXP.
so this is in my win7 HE.
looks I can't ping anything and can't proceed with sshd activation.
but from control panel I'm sure I'm administrator (I'm the only user
in this
new laptop so far).

If your account has administrator privileges, you need to say you want to
use them for the program you're running.  To do this, find the "Cygwin
Terminal" in your Start Menu and right click on it.  Pick
"Run as administrator".  Proceed as before.

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