On 8/16/2012 3:26 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 03:11:34PM -0400, Ken Brown wrote:
With the current snapshot (20120816 17:19:27), I have problems with
emacs-X11.exe.  When I start it under X (by typing 'emacs&' in an xterm
window), its CPU usage goes up to 50% and its window never displays.
The attached file gives the result of attaching gdb and giving the
command 'thread apply all bt full'.

I reproduced this running emacs under mintty, but it took longer for it
to happen.

The problem doesn't occur with the 20120815 snapshot.

It's funny how the simple explanation of a problem can trigger a
"Oh #(*&$.  I know what I did."

In this case, I made my standard "reverse the sense of a ? operator"

I'm generating a new snapshot which seems to fix the problem.

Confirmed.  Thanks.


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