On 14 September 2012 00:57, Daniel Colascione wrote:
> On 9/13/2012 12:57 PM, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> mintty 1.1.2-1 is on its way to the Cygwin mirrors.
>> =======
>> - Fixed buffer overflow in processing of the control sequence for
>> querying font coverage.
>> - Tweaked double-click word selection algorithm to handle shell
>> variable references such as $FOO and %FOO%, and also exclamation marks
>> in URLs.
>> - Changed clicks-place-cursor feature to respect application cursor
>> key mode when sending left/right arrow keycodes.
> Can you please consider doing something about the exit behavior? You don't 
> have
> to use my match, but please provide some sort of option for those of us who
> prefer traditional xterm behavior.

I'm sorry I'm only finding time for bug fixes, trivial enhancements
and basic support at the moment. This request is in the issue tracker
(as issue 319) and I've said what I want to do with it. Reminding me
after every release is not going to speed things up.


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