On 10/23/2012 9:35 AM, Eliot Moss wrote:
On 10/23/2012 10:31 AM, Trixie wrote:
Thank you all.
Here's my story. I'm physics student and my master degree work is
"Application of GPU on DFT calculations". I need this BigDFT to run certain
examples on cuda based GPU computer and on regular CPU and discuss the
Cygwin was my first choice because i felt comfortable using it. But I think this is gonna be harder then i expected. I guees i should give up Cygwin and
instal (maybe) UBUNTU on partition of my computer and try there. Any
suggestion there?
Thank you all again, you've been most kind.

I am most of the way through building bigdft under cygwin.  I have
no idea how the GPU aspect might work but here is what I've done
so far:

1) Download blas.tgz to ~/downloads (where I put things)
   In ~/tools (because I like it):
   tar xzvf ~/downloads/blas.tgz
   In ~/tools/BLAS:
   Edit make.inc as desired
   cp blas_LINUX.a /usr/lib/libblas.a

2) Download lapack-3.4.2.tgz to ~/downloads
   In ~/tools, tar xzvf ~/downloads/lapack-3.4.2.tgz
   In ~/tools/lapack-3.4.2:
   cp make.inc.example make.inc
   Edit make.inc as desired; note that libblas.a is in /usr/lib, so
     you *must* edit that line
   make  [takes a LONG time]
   cp *.a /usr/lib
To run on Windows, shouldn't this .a files really be .dll's?

3) Download bigdft-1.6.0.tar.gz to ~/downloads
   In ~/tools, gunzip -c ~/downloads/bigdft-1.6.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
   In ~/tools/bigdft-1.6.0:
   ./configure  (takes a while)
   make         (takes quite a while)

This ultimately failed when linking, so something seems missing or
slightly off. I will try to look at it later.

On the other hand, setting up a Linux partition, or using
a Linux virtual machine under Windows, are reasonable options too.
If you're using Cygwin's gcc/fortran and linker I suspect you'll need .dll's not .a's.
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
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