On 11/12/2012 7:10 AM, Ariel Sommeria wrote:
I'm trying to use environment variables to pilot a windows system
through cygwin+ssh. Things work nicely with an interactive shell, but
mess up with a non-interactive shell because my environment variables
aren't set.
I've set PermitUserEnvironment to yes in my sshd_config, I've set
BLA=bla in .ssh/environment. Now when in my script I call 'env', I do
see BLA in it. However echo $BLA doesn't echo anything.
The only similar issue and suggestion I've found is this:
Obviously I use the environment file, but it doesn't help.
Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong?

I wonder whether you *exported* the variables in question.


will put the setting in your environment, but does not automatically
add it to the environment of things you invoke.  For that to happen,
you need to say:

export BLA=bla

(or have 'set =a' active in bash).

Regards -- Eliot Moss

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