On 11/15/2012 3:55 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
Question: What are the odds that a posted strace snippet would not
contain anything useful for debugging a problem?

Answer: Nearly 100%

Thought it might give a clue as to which process was not able to fork. And that someone might be able to tell me how to attach a debugger to that process given that information. It was admittedly a bit of a stretch.

The answer to your question, which will probably be taken as flip, is:
you can debug the problem by diving into the cygwin source code.  If it
isn't just a simple rebase problem then the solution would lie there.

Since it works with a smaller length PATH I would also think that rebase would help. I have recently run rebase with no errors for what that is worth.

From your comment, I would take it that you think that the issue is in the cygwin dll itself and not bash or git.

So, I guess you would suggest building a debug cygwin dll, and then using gdb on git to try and find out where fork fails?



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