
If I use paths that contain $ symbols, and backslash-escape them, I start
seeing warnings about MS-DOS style paths in Cygwin bash.  For example, where I
hit <tab> after the .ssh/:

    $ cp //pcname/C\$/cygwin/home/add/.ssh/cygwin warning:
      MS-DOS style path detected: //pcname/C\$/cygwin/home/add/.ssh/
      Preferred POSIX equivalent is: //pcname/C/$/cygwin/home/add/.ssh/
      CYGWIN environment variable option "nodosfilewarning" turns off this 
      Consult the user's guide for more details about POSIX paths:

I believe the path I entered, //pcname/C\$/cygwin/home/add/.ssh/, is valid.
The equivalent MS-DOS style path would be \\pcname\C$\cygwin\home\add\.ssh\.

This appears to simply be an erroneous warning; everything else I tried works,
including tab-completion, calls to cp or ls or similar.  Leaving out the
backslash-escape works, but only thanks to the particulars of bash's handling
of $ and the next character being /.  Single-quoting the path also avoids the
warning, but prevents tab-completion.  Partial quoting (ie 
has the '$' replaced by (the apparently erroneous) \$ when I attempt to use

The only impact I can see is the "MS-DOS style path" warning, and I'm aware
this is an edge case, so I'm not going to get excited about getting this fixed.
I just figured I'd report a bug when I spotted one.

(Thinking about it, I'm not sure it even is a bug; I could have been intending
to talk about \\pcname\C\$ rather than \\pcname\C$.  I suspect this may be
another case where there's no ideal solution.)

Output from cygcheck -s -v -r attached.  I redirected stderr into that file,
too, since I saw some errors about "OpenService failed ... Access is denied",
and figured they'd be more useful interlaced with the regular output.

Attachment: cygcheck.out
Description: cygcheck.out

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