>> This used to work in the past, there was no need to switch the order, but it 
>> fails now. Why?

> Because the new Windows headers from Mingw64 define X509_NAME and
> OCSP_RESPONSE, which the former Mingw32 Windows headers didn't.

Hi Corinna,

  Thank you for your reply. In this case, the reason for the #include 
<windows.h> and also <sys/cygwin.h> 
is because there is code in Alpine to login to the imap server. It uses calls 
such as cygwin_logon_user
and cygwin_set_impersonation_token. Actually the code is in the c-client 
library - a cygwin package - so that the imap server will be able to login a 
user. The c-client package does not build in cygwin because of that. I do need 
to include <openssl/crypt.h> too. As a result the c-client package needs to be 
patched for it to build. This was not needed in the past.

  I can live with reversing the order of the includes, but would prefer the 
status quo if possible. Do I have to switch the includes permanently? Thank you.


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