On 05/03/2013 16:22, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 05, 2013 at 05:11:34PM +0100, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
>> I have GCC-4.5.3 installed and I am not going to install the test 
>> version 4.7.2-1, but setup.exe *wants* to install libquadmath0-4.7.2-1 
>> even if I have selected "Curr" packages (which should exclude any 
>> reference to 4.7.2 version...).
>> Have we sure it isn't a packaging bug?
> The crude dependency handling in setup.exe isn't up to the task of
> allowing per-version dependencies.  So this probably came along because
> it's required for a newer version of gcc.

  When last we spoke (on the -apps list), it was suggested that the
dependencies should remain correct for the curr: version, and people
installing the test: version should manually install the required dependencies.

  If it would help, I could upload a 4.7.2-2 later tonight which restores java
and has the original 4.5.3-3 dependencies?

  (Many thanks to JonY for stepping up to the plate while I've been away.)


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