On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 10:37:42PM +0100, Christian Mueller wrote:
> Hi,
> after updating to the latest version of Cygwin (1.3.15-1) including 
> all other modules, rshd wouldn't accept my .rhosts file anymore 
> because it's owned by the wrong owner. The error message is 
> "permission denied (bad .rhosts owner)."
> The reason for this is obvious: I turned off ntsec, thus the .rhosts 
> file is owned by whoever starts rshd (probably SYSTEM because I run it 
> as a service). I'm running Cygwin on W2K/NTFS; my CYGWIN environment 
> variable is "ntea nontsec".

Have you considered leaving ntsec on in the service environment but
turning it off in yours, after you get in?


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