I made some kind of patch to use ActivePerl within a cygwin console. The
problem was that ActivePerl doesn't dupport posix paths so I made the

1) A readlink recursive that returns the real file:


# script that does recursive readlink

# exit with error status if no arg or arg doesn't exist or is not a symlink
if($ARGV[0] eq "" or ! -e $ARGV[0] or ! -l $ARGV[0]){ exit 1; }


$realfile="";      # this will store each dir in $file for each iteration in do-while
$restofpath=$file; # the rest of the path that is to be checked
$nextdir=$file;    # the next dir to check

   #print "\nnextdir: $nextdir\n";
   #print "realfile: $realfile";
   if(-l $realfile){
      $realfile=readlink "$realfile"; $realfile=~s/\/{1}$//;
      #print " -> link to $realfile";
      if ($restofpath eq ""){ $restofpath=$realfile; $realfile=""; $nextdir=$realfile; 
   #print "\nrestofpath: $restofpath\n";
   # update variables for next iteration
}until($restofpath eq "");

# return the real file
print "$realfile\n";

2) a "interpreter" to make a workaround:


# script that tricks ActivePerl for Windows to work on Perl scripts under cygwin
# (a workaround for posix-windows paths)

# TODO: eventhough this is a workaround, perl doesn't support symlinks, so I need
#       a function that does(ie): getrealfile /usr/local/bin/xnet, returns
#       /dit/DIT/scripts/cygwin-scripts/xnet
#       `-> done: function is readlink, although it doesn't support the -f option
#                 as in linux, it's not recursive.
#                 I made a script that implements this (rreadlink)

# $ActivePerl is a symbolic link to wherever the real ActivePerl perl.exe resides

file=`rreadlink "$1"`

path=`expr $file ':' '\(.*\)\/\.*' '|' $file`
script=`expr $file ':' '.*\/\(.*\)' '|' $file`

cd $path
$ActivePerl $script $args

3) Now this can be used for executing ActivePerl scripts:

See the interpreter here

use Win32::Service;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Win32;
use strict;
my %service_states =
        "stopped"             =>  0x00000001,
        "start pending"       =>  0x00000002,
        "stop pending"        =>  0x00000003,
        "running"             =>  0x00000004,
        "continue pending"    =>  0x00000005,
        "pause pending"       =>  0x00000006,
        "paused"              =>  0x00000007,
my %service_codes = reverse (%service_states);
my $HOSTNAME = hostname;
my $op = lc shift;
my ($server, $service);
$server = '' unless $server = shift;
$service = '' unless $service = shift;
if ($server ne '' and $server !~ /^\\/){
        $service = $server;
        $server = '';
if ($op eq 'status'){
        if ($server ne ''){
           print "\t\t\t\\$server 
           &status ("\\$server", $service);
           print "\t\t\t\\\\$HOSTNAME 
           &status ($server, $service) unless $server ne '';
if ($op =~ /^(?:start|stop|pause|resume)$/){
        if ($service eq ''){
           print "You must specify a service for this option.\n";
           exit 1
        &process ($op, $server, $service);
        sleep 1;
        &status ($server, $service);
if ($op eq 'restart'){
        if ($service eq ''){
           print "You must specify a service for this option.\n";
           exit 1
        #print "Restarting $service...\n";
        #&process ('stop', $server, $service);
        #sleep 1;
        #&status ($server, $service);
        &process ('restart', $server, $service);
        #sleep 1;
        #&status ($server, $service);
print STDERR "Usage:  $0 status|start|stop|restart|pause|resume [\\\\server] 
sub status{
    my ($server, $service) = @_;
        my ($err, %status, %services, %rservices);
        if ($service)   {
                $err = Win32::Service::GetStatus($server,$service,\%status);
                if (!$err) {&display_error; return};
                print "$service is $service_codes{$status{CurrentState}}\n";
        else    {
                $err = Win32::Service::GetServices($server,\%services);
                if (!$err) {&display_error; return};
                %rservices = reverse %services;
                foreach $service (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b} keys %rservices){
                        $err = Win32::Service::GetStatus($server,$service,\%status);
                        if (!$err) {print "$service: "; &display_error; next};
                        print "$service_codes{$status{CurrentState}}: $service 
sub process{
        my ($process,$server, $service) = @_;
        my $err;
        if ($process eq 'start') {
                print "Starting $service... ";
                {$err = Win32::Service::StartService($server,$service) and return}
        if ($process eq 'stop') {
                print "Stopping $service... ";
                {$err = Win32::Service::StopService($server,$service) and return}
        if ($process eq 'restart') {
                print "Restarting $service...\n\n";
                print "Stopping $service... ";
                {$err = Win32::Service::StopService($server,$service)}
                sleep 1;
                &status ($server, $service);
                print "Starting $service... ";
                {$err = Win32::Service::StartService($server,$service)}
                sleep 1;
                &status ($server, $service);
        if ($process eq 'pause') {
                print "Pausing $service... ";
                {$err = Win32::Service::PauseService($server,$service) and return}
        if ($process eq 'resume') {
                print "Resuming $service... ";
                {$err = Win32::Service::ResumeService($server,$service) and return}
        if (!$err) {&display_error}
sub display_error{
        my $err = Win32::GetLastError();
        print STDERR Win32::FormatMessage($err);

This latest script is for checking status/starting/stoping services via
ActivePerl. The advantage is that this can check other computers services
(within our domain and if we have the required privileges).

I hope this helps anyone.


"And the next time you consider complaining that running Lucid Emacs
19.05 via NFS from a remote Linux machine in Paraguay doesn't seem to
get the background colors right, you'll know who to thank."
(By Matt Welsh)

  _________     Marcos Lorenzo de Santiago (Labs Technician)    /`   `\
 |~~      @|    Departament of Telematic Engineering           /       \
 |  ====   |                                                  |\~~~~~~~/|
 |  ====   |    E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   | \=====/ |
 |_________|    Telephone: (+34)91-624-8757                   | /`...'\ |
                Homepage: http://www.it.uc3m.es/marcos        |/_______\|


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