I was very happy the first time I saw the mod php in the setip list.
Now, I want to create image.
It seems there are no image functions included in the php we get with the cygwin setup.

I get message error for each I try to use.

Installing Xfree for cygwin gives all the needed libs to have image in php (libjpeg, and so on..)
From the setup, I can't get the source (n/a).
I try to recompile it from scratch but it need a mysql dll, i didn't find (even with win mysql installed)
I try to recompile mysql under cygwin, but it's a pain (every intermediate .exe in the makefile core dumps...) with gcc 3.x or gcc 2.95.

I will be happy if someone has a solution to get a php as delivered actually + image functions.

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