On Jul 22 23:40, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> On 2013-07-22 19:52, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:
> >Postinstall errors:
> Thanks for the feedback; remarks inline.
> >Package: bash
> >     bash.sh exit code 1
> I think the problem is that virtual /dev is a read-only filesystem,
> but if you make a real /dev directory; then you can write to it.
> Could you run 'mkdir -p /dev' (without the quotes) and then try
> rerunning setup-x86_64.exe?  I suspect this will work then.

The base-cygwin script usually creates the /dev dir.  Do we have
a dependency loop which let bash.sh run before base-cygwin?

> FWIW, I wonder why this entire script isn't handled by base-files.
> >Package: a2ps
> >     a2ps.sh exit code 2
> This is due to a missing papersize(5) file.  I'm working on a fix,
> but a workaround is to run the following command, then rerun
> setup-x86_64.exe:
> echo letter > /etc/papersize

I'd prefer `echo a4 > /etc/papersize' ;)

> >Package: xinit
> >     xinit.sh exit code 134
> This is from a SIGABRT in mkshortcut.  Chuck?


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