On Thu, Jul 25, 2013 at 10:19:16AM -0400, Tom Honermann wrote:
>On 07/25/2013 09:21 AM, Charles Wilson wrote:
>> On 7/25/2013 4:28 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> On Jul 24 22:38, Tom Honermann wrote:
>>>> My suspicion that this started with 1.7.21 is based on Corinna's
>>>> comments in http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2013-07/msg00343.html and
>>>> other anecdotal evidence of new problems occurring as of that
>>>> release.
>>> This is by design now as described in the aforementioned posting.  If
>>> you want to see the command line of a Cygwin application called by
>>> another Cygwin application, see /proc/$pid/cmdline.
>> Would a patch to restore the previous operation based on a $CYGWIN
>> variable setting be acceptable?
>I think this change should be reverted.

You were relying on a bug in Cygwin.  Older versions of the DLL did not
provide the full command line.  It was only after the bug entered into
the source code that it did.  Not providing the windows command line is
an optimization for Cygwin programs.

>In my case, I need to be able to retrieve the command line for a Cygwin 
>process from a non-Cygwin process.  Reading /proc/$pid/cmdline is not an 
>option in that case.  I depend on the ability to, for example, 
>differentiate gcc processes that are running based on their command line 
>Note that strace is currently broken as well.  Running it against a 
>'make' invocation:

It's not strace that's broken.  That's just a simple fix to the DLL.


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