On 7/26/2013 11:29 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 04:07:55PM +0400, Pavel Fedin wrote:
Let me also drop my 5 cents into this...
We should be very careful about this.  At least there is one case where
difference between Cygwin console and real Windows console plays a key
role: ncurses.  Normal Windows console is very basic and does not
understand 90% of control sequences.  As a result, ncurses has been
extended with 'terminal drivers', which redirect certain control
functions to OS (Windows in our case) API calls.  Which, of course,
work only with real Windows console.

The "console" that a Cygwin program sees is not just the raw Windows
console.  Hopefully the Cygwin version of ncurses understands that
Cygwin extends the functionality of the console so that a big subset of
standard control sequences will just work.

cygwin-ncurses does not do any of the stuff that Pavel described. It treats the cygwin terminal just as described by $TERM (which, if TERM=cygwin, uses the terminfo definition we've painstakingly created over the years) -- and so takes advantage of the "gloss" that cygwin places over the plain console.

OTOH, if TERM=xterm, for instance, then it just uses the xterm terminfo.


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