On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 12:30:56AM -0700, Christian Weeks wrote:
>>On Mon, Nov 18, 2002 at 09:32:47PM -0700, Christian Weeks wrote:
>>So why aren't you trying the solution that was proposed for the problem?
>>This is, what?, the third time today that someone has posted saying that
>>they've noticed the discussion while missing the fact that the problem
>>is supposed to be fixed in the latest snapshots.
>Thank you for your reply.
>I have tried the proposed solution at your request (I downloaded and 
>attempted each of the 13th, 14th, 15th and 16th snapshot fixes). The 
>attached trace file is the result (it appears to be the same under the 15th 
>and 16th snapshots- I did not bother generating for 13th & 14th). It is 
>still unfortunately not correctly functional. Instead of ramping my CPU 
>(now I only see very small spikes of 100%) it aborts the fetchmail daemon. 
>This is the log output from fetchmail:
>fetchmail: starting fetchmail 6.1.2 daemon
>fetchmail: couldn't find canonical DNS name of my.mail.server.com
>fetchmail: Query status=11 (DNS)
>fetchmail: sleeping at Tue Nov 19 00:10:16 2002
>fetchmail: terminated with signal 14
>I expected it to enter it's sleep/wake cycle, but it doesn't appear to do 

I'd say this was actually a potential problem with fetchmail but this
may be "fixed" in the latest snapshot.


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