On Jul 31 09:08, Charles Wilson wrote:
> I was running the automake-1.12 test suite, and found a difference
> in behavior between the two cygwin's.  On 32bit, it appears to miss
> the SIGQUIT signal:
> ========== 32 bit ==========
> PASS: t/tap-signal.tap 1 - "make check" fails
> FAIL: t/tap-signal.tap 2 - count of test results
> PASS: t/tap-signal.tap 3 - TAP driver catch test termination by
> signal SIGHUP
> PASS: t/tap-signal.tap 4 - TAP driver catch test termination by
> signal SIGINT
> FAIL: t/tap-signal.tap 5 - TAP driver catch test termination by
> signal SIGQUIT


  $ cat

In another shell:

  $ ps
        568    2276     568       2952  pty0    11001 16:08:59 /usr/bin/tcsh
       1696    1012    1696       1652  pty1    11001 16:09:08 /usr/bin/ps
       1012    1112    1012       2704  pty1    11001 16:09:05 /usr/bin/tcsh
  I    2324     568    2324        816  pty0    11001 16:09:02 /usr/bin/cat
       1112       1    1112       1112  ?       11001 16:09:05 /usr/bin/mintty
       2276       1    2276       2276  ?       11001 16:08:59 /usr/bin/mintty
  $ kill -QUIT 2324

In the first shell:

  Quit (core dumped)

> .... which doesn't really tell you much without the rest of the test
> driver machinery, but I include it for completeness.
> The point of this post is the following question: is there a known
> difference in the signal handling code between cygwin32 and cygwin64
> that could explain why I see different behavior with respect to

No.  STC?


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