On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 12:12:51PM +0100, Tino Lange wrote:
> The only point that is left is the cygcheck.out - did you mean that?


> OK - why didn't I include a "cygcheck.out"?
> a) maybe the information was already enough for you to locate the problem


> b) "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" is a huge list - I don't want to spam lots of 
> people with this information - if someone needs it I can send it to him 
> personally I don't like to recieve lot's of cygcheck.out a day as a 
> public reader of this list myself.

It's one (better: the) purpose of the cygwin ML to send bug reports here
and to receive help if somebody actually knows a solution.

> c) cygcheck.out can contain *lots* of personal information. I don't want 
> Microsoft to spy on my computer why should I broadcast such information 
> by myself actively on a mailinglist that's very huge, get's archived and 
> so on?????

Then obfuscate stuff in the cygcheck output which you take for private.

> I have no Problem sending this file to you, Corinna, or some of your 

Perhaps, but *I* have problems with getting PM about Cygwin stuff.
Did you read the section "Shouldn't I just send email to straight to a
cygwin developer or package maintainer?", especially the "Reply-To:"

> You just got it with separate mail.

No, I didn't so far and I don't want to get PM further on.  This is the
reason I'm setting the Reply-To: to the ML and not using my real mail


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Developer                                mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Red Hat, Inc.

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