On 9/2/2013 5:23 PM, Charles Wilson wrote:

Are you using the -src package from the cygwin mirrors, and the cygport script? The rxvt shipped by cygwin has been heavily patched from upstream to support our (32bit) platform; at *minimum* you will need those patches to build the 64 bit version.

Unfortunately rxvt is pretty far down my list of priorities for porting to 64bit given its dead-as-a-doornail, ex-parrot status upstream and relative lack of users. The best I can say is, I'll get to it eventually.

cygwin rxvt "maintainer"
I used the source from the cygwin mirrors. My assumption was that the included patches had been applied to the src in the tar ball. I didn't apply the cygport script.

Robert McBroom

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