On Tue, Sep 03, 2013 at 10:08:44PM -0700, Austin English wrote:
>I recently noticed the 64-bit cygwin installer crashes under wine.
>After further debugging, it appears that the issue is that cygwin is
>misaligning the stack, causing a crash. I've copy/pasted the analysis
>Hello folks,
>Reminded me of bug 27680 (violation of the Windows 64-bit ABI, stack pointer
>(RSP) must be 16-byte aligned when making a call to Win64 API)...
>Similarly the gcc generated prologue code for MSABI (SSE2 callee save) causes a
>crash due to misaligned stack (needs to be 16-byte aligned).

If you'd like to submit a patch to get setup working in Wine it would be
thoughtfully considered.  Otherwise, I can say with a fair amount of
certainty that no one is going to be interested in installing Wine to
debug issues running (in this case non-cygwin!) programs there.

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