On 9/10/2013 3:32 PM, B Baldwin wrote:
Attempting to install Cygwin.  Keep getting "Download Incomplete" errors,
eventually got all except Perl (perl-5.14.2-3.tar.bz2), which continues to
return this error.  This has been occurring for the last ~5 hours, on every
mirror listed.  There are about 10 mirrors listed in the setup program, and
the ~ 10 listed changed within the last hour, but still same error on each
mirror with the perl package.

Do I have a problem on my end or do I just need to wait longer for some
mirror updates to occur?

The latter.  Give it until tomorrow to see if the mirrors can catch
their breath with the recent deluge of "updates".



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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