DEar All,

I'm receiving the following error ("During startup program exited with code 
on application start up(which uses cygwin_32 compiled libraries of Petsc and 
SLepc ).

I've compiled Petsc and Slepc with Cygwin_32 and tried to test it with code 
snippet which uses
the Petsc and Slepc libraries which raised x32/x64 error.

Interesting thing is when I loaded the applicaition on dependency walker to 
test the dependant
dlls and libraries of application I noticed that cygwin1.dll loads 
kernel32.dll, and cygwin1.dll
is shown as x64 library which it shouldn't be, because I've nowhere used 
Cygwin_64 for compilation.

Having cygwin1.dll as x64 and kernel32.dll as x86 architecture, can that be a 
origin of that problem
or is completely normal ?

I attach the snapshot view of dependency walker if it may give you a clue on 
what actually happens.

Your help will be appreciated,                                    

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