On 10/7/2013 1:32 PM, J.-C. Mignot wrote:
Hi !
I have a cygwin working fine on windows XP. I'm moving to windows 7. Is
there a way to copy the configuration of the cygwin that works well to
windows 7 without using the wysiwyg setup.exe ? I mean something like a
single configuration file ?

No, there is no single configuration file for Cygwin that will make your
Cygwin installation on Windows 7 mirror your Windows XP install.  Short of
copying the entire install from XP to Windows, you'll likely miss something
if you go for something less.  And even then, there will still be some bits
that you may want that you'll have to do by hand (setting up shortcuts to
shells, etc.)  If just getting the same packages installed on Windows 7
is close enough, you can always just copy '/etc/setup/installed.db' into
place on the W7 machine and run the normal 'setup*.exe' to get things
installed.  That will still miss your local directory and customizations
that are in it plus those that may be in '/etc' but those probably become
obvious quickly.  Assuming your XP machine is still available, you can
grab them as you notice.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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