>> To close the loop for the record, my situation had nothing to do with
> > the windows patches.
> > For reasons I haven't tracked down yet the emacs package system seems
> > to have had a bad day.
> > Emacs has a package system and some repositories for many of the modes
> > and extensions available.
> > After M-x list-packages you select packages of interest for
> > installation or update and life is good. It seems one of the packages
> > is damaged in the repo or it became corrupted during/after update.
> > Oddly, it worked great for a day after package update but then the
> > package system started adding some download package directories to the
> > Info-directory-list which caused the emacs info mode to find the
> > French versions before anything else.  I still don't know what
> > triggered the madness but it's definitely happening during the package
> > load/init phase and has nothing to do with MS or the recent patches.
> This was probably caused by the problem reported here:
>    https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2013-10/msg00360.html

Thanks, it's almost certainly related. I'd already sorted things out here
but never actually
got down to the what or how and the workaround was trivial. I figured out
basically what was 
going on but the timing did and still does puzzle me. Since I can't go back
to when it happened
it will just have to remain one of life's many little mysteries. 

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