Hi all,
I'm just learning how to do this, so please forgive me if I've missed something 
obvious.  I'm in the process of installing Cygwin on a Windows 8.1 machine with 
the Inetutils package installed.  My goal is to get Xinetd working properly so 
that I can define some other services with it.  I've used the following command 
to attempt to install it since by default /etc/xinetd.conf is not there; do I 
need to create it?  
Cygrunsrv -I xinetd -d "Cygwin xinetd" -p /usr/sbin/xinetd
This command results in:
"interactive is only allowed with install."
What am I missing here?  The same thing happens when I attempt to install 
Inetd.  Thanks all for any feedback. all is welcome.  

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