On 1/15/2014 10:11 AM, Mateusz Malinowski wrote:

I have a problem similar to one described in "error while loading
shared libraries: ?: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
directory" thread, though in my case I can't run any cygwin commands
(i.e. I can't even open cygwin's bash).

So you're clearly missing a DLL.  Presuming your installation went
OK and you saw no complaints from the postinstall scripts, try
'cygcheck bash' and see if it complains about some missing DLL(s).
If it does, use cygcheck or 'http://cygwin.com/packages/' to find the
package with that DLL.  Install that/those packages.

I am aware that in that thread the problem was solved due to
anti-software, however; in my company we all use the same anti-virus
and I'm the only one having this issue with cygwin. I uploaded
cygcheck.out and cygcheck.err files together with stackdumfiles (it
couldn't execute id and cygrunsrv), in case they might be helpful
(couldn't send them attached due to 552 spam score):

If 'id' won't run, this makes me think your installation failed.  You
can try just rerunning 'setup*.exe' and reinstall.   Watch for errors.

Cygwin worked normally for me in the past. I believe that something
might have messed up when I was installing some other software on my
machine, but I have no idea what it might have been. I tried to delete
cygwin and manually clear all references to it in the register, but
still, after installing, it doesn't work.

OK, I get the same feeling as I mentioned above from this.

Also the interesting thing is that cygcheck reports 3 cygwin1.dll,
although there is only one on my machine.

As long as they all reference the same DLL in the same physical location
(mount paths not-withstanding), that's fine.

I'm looking forward to any solution anyone can provide. I must admit
that I ran out of options.

If none of the above helps, please *attach* 'cygcheck -srv' output to
any follow-up.  I tried to look at the zip file you reference above but
it is invalid.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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