On 1/27/2014 5:30 PM, Balaji Venkataraman wrote:
On Sun, Jan 26, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:

I was previously managing to reproduce this, but since updating to
Corinna's latest OpenSSL builds, I've not had any issues.  Is it
possibly an out-of-date library hanging around in memory?  Have you
tried restarting all your Cygwin processes and/or rebooting your system?
I'm surprised Corinna's changes would fix it for me but not for you.

Based on the above, I went back and checked if the openssl update was
all good. Not quite. Apparently, since I had sshd running when I
updated the openssl package, looks like the cygcrypto-1.0.0.dll was
not properly replaced. I ended up w/ a .new file (created by

Yes, this is what setup*.exe does if the DLL it's trying to replace is
in use.  setup*.exe will warn you about such cases and ask if you want
to continue (and have to reboot to complete the installation) or if you
prefer to kill the app using the DLL.  You apparently missed that and
ended up with the former option.

I killed sshd renamed the .dll and reran the clone. It
seems to work (see below) except for one error but I do have a clone

FYI, this is not the recommended way to handle this, since it leaves
a scheduled DLL move on reboot in an unpredictable state.  So if you
see a DLL with this extension in the future, just reboot.

It might be a good idea to perhaps print some warning messages
when updating packages whose dlls are in use - unless that is already
happening and I have missed them.

Right, see above.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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