> what does ssp do?!
> Haven't seen about that beast before. Could someone enlight me
> please?!
from man ssp
        SSP - The Single Step Profiler

        Original Author:  DJ Delorie

        The SSP is a program that uses the Win32 debug API to run
       a program one ASM instruction at a time.  It  records  the
       location  of  each  instruction  used, how many times that
       instruction is used, and all function calls.  The  results
       are saved in a format that is usable by the profiling pro-
       gram  gprof, although  gprof will  claim  the  values  are
       seconds, they really are instruction counts.  More on that

Note: I have submitted a timestamp printing some month ago to this list (or
cygwin-apps I don't remember), but it does not seem to be included yet.


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