On Sunday 24 November 2002 14:35, Charles Wilson wrote:
> Guys, I'm really surprised nobody has mentioned the obvious culprit (or
> asked the obvious question):
> Anti virus software?  Was McAfee or Norton (but esp. McAfee) running
> while setup.exe was executed?
> I *always* disable McAfee before running setup.  Every time I forget, I
> get a bluescreen.  Minidump analysis shows that the fault is in fact
> McAfee -- which runs in kernel mode -- and not setup.
> (I also turn off McAfee when compiling; it really slows down disk IO)
Every time my admins force a new version of McAfee, I modify the installation 
to remove the feature which checks every script every time it is executed, 
instead setting it up to perform a full weekly scan.  I have had no problems 
this way with setup or running builds.  With that McAfee feature enabled, 
scripts will stall so long that standby is invoked.

Tim Prince

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