I am trying to install some python packages under Cygwin, and I am getting the 
following error:

$ python setup.py configure
Info: Configure for python 2.7.3 in exec_prefix /usr
Info: Found  PyCXX include in /home/tcanham/tools/pysvn-1.7.8/Import/pycxx-6.2.4
Info: Found  PyCXX include in /home/tcanham/tools/pysvn-1.7.8/Import/pycxx-6.2.4
Info: Found   PyCXX Source in 
Info: Found    SVN include in /usr/include/subversion-1
Info: Found    SVN library in /usr/lib
Info: Found        SVN bin in /usr/bin
Info: Found    APR include in /usr/include/apr-1
Info: Found    APR include in /usr/include/apr-1
Info: Found    APR library in /usr/lib
Info: Building against SVN 1.8.8
Info: Found  PyCXX include in /home/tcanham/tools/pysvn-1.7.8/Import/pycxx-6.2.4
Info: Found  PyCXX include in /home/tcanham/tools/pysvn-1.7.8/Import/pycxx-6.2.4
Info: Found   PyCXX Source in 
Info: Found    SVN include in /usr/include/subversion-1
Info: Found    SVN library in /usr/lib
Info: Found        SVN bin in /usr/bin
Info: Found    APR include in /usr/include/apr-1
Info: Found    APR include in /usr/include/apr-1
Info: Found    APR library in /usr/lib
Info: Building against SVN 1.8.8
Info: Using tool chain CygwinCompilerGCC
('Error:', "Cannot addVar name 'LDLIBS' value '-L%(svn_lib_dir)s 
-L/usr/lib/python2.7/config -lpython2.7.dll -lsvn_client-1 -lsvn_repos-1 
-lsvn_subr-1 -lsvn_delta-1 -lsvn_fs_fs-1 -lsvn_fs-1 -lsvn_ra_svn-1 
-lsvn_repos-1 -lsvn_ra_local-1 -lsvn_diff-1 -lsvn_ra-1 -lsvn_wc-1 -lapr-1 
-laprutil-1 -liconv -lexpat -lpthread -lz' - 'svn_lib_dir'")

I have also submitted the error to the mailing list of the package I'm trying 
to install without responses, but it seems Cygwin specific, so I thought I 
would try it here also.

Timothy K. Canham
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA

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