On 05/13/2014 07:25 AM, Timothy Madden wrote:
It appears I found my missing shell session settings: the access
rights on the current build and source directories.

The manual build was always run within the user home directory in
cygwin, and cygwin could see the proper access right on all the files
used in the build.

But outside the user home directory, cygwin no longer sees the proper
permissions for directories and files, even though the user running
the cygwin session can very well read and write the files. But cygwin
will list the files with no permissions whatsoever, not even u+r (read
access for the file owner). If I use the Windows `icacls` command to
explicitly add the current user to the ACL on the directory with
inheritable (recursive) "full control" access right, than cygwin can
see the proper access rights too for such directories.

Can this issue maybe be fixed, so cygwin sees the same permissions, on
any files, user that Windows will grant to the current user ?

There are some tools that only look at the POSIX permissions (rwxrwxrwx),
which is what Cygwin works to provide.  But if you're using non-Cygwin
tools to create or modify files, these will not necessarily comply with
POSIX permissions.  If using Cygwin alternatives for these tools isn't
an option, you can mount the directory tree in question with the "noacl"
option to tell Cygwin tools to always allow access (see
<http://cygwin.com/cygwin-ug-net/using.html#mount-table>).  Many
times, this approach works best when you're trying to mix Windows native
and Cygwin tools.



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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