On 05/28/2014 07:04 AM, gialloporpora wrote:
Risposta al messaggio del 28/05/2014 di Larry Hall (Cygwin):
On 05/27/2014 06:00 PM, gialloporpora wrote:
Hi all,

I use git version provided by cygwin, and before today I had no problems.
Now, if I try to fetch from upstream (or to fetch from my private repo too)
I receive this error message:
  > error: error setting certificate verify locations:
  >   CAfile: /usr/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt
  >   CApath: none while accessing
  > fatal: HTTP request failed
I have seen that the file ca-bundle.crt was a system file (S attribute with
MS attrib) and I have removed the system attribute but it doesn't work yet.
The error i s the same.

The only thing that I have made in these days is to install the binary diff
package via setup.
Someone could suggest me how to solve this issue?

Please read and follow the problem reporting guidelines found at the link
below.  Pay special attention to the parts asking for cygcheck output and
for a clear, simple, minimal test case to reproduce this issue.  With this
info, folks here on the list can try to reproduce the behavior and offer
some advice.

Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html

Thanks, sorry if I have forgotten to include the log by cygcheck, but the
log is ok and I have forgotten to mention it in my request.
I have tried to reinstall git packge and related packages but still it
doesn't work.
I have, also if deprecated, disabled the certificate check as outlined here:

These are all good things to try, IMO, and certainly good things to mention
if you're looking to this list for some help.  But I still have to reiterate
that without the cygcheck output *attached* to your request as well as a
recipe to reproduce the problem you're seeing, as requested by the link I
pointed you to above, only someone reading this list and having a very
similar problem is going to be able to respond with anything even remotely
helpful here.  That's not terrible and if that's all you're looking for
then you needn't give my response any further consideration.  But I just
wanted to point out that you are limiting your pool of potential useful
responders by quite a bit if you forego providing specific details of your



A: Yes.
> Q: Are you sure?
>> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
>>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:                   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation:         http://cygwin.com/docs.html
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