On Sat, May 31, 2014 at 06:58:59PM +0530, Abhijit Bhattacharjee wrote:
>Thank you everyone for your time and reply. I believe from your reply
>I am able to get the problem sorted out. I would also try to reply to
>each of your queries
>@Christopher Faylor
>Qs/Stmt: A Cygwin program which calls another Cygwin program does not
>have this problem so it isn't completely immaterial.
>Ans: I am not sure what you mean by Cygwin program. If you mean those
>that are in your repository, I cannot comment. Instead, if you mean,
>that's linked with cygwin1.dll, I believe, I have already shared with
>you sample programs that exhibits the truncation behavior.

I should have been clearer.  What I mean by Cygwin programs are programs
linked with the Cygwin DLL, using only Linux/POSIX functions.  If
program A exec's program B using one of Cygwin's exec/spawn functions it
will not suffer from command line truncation.  But, if you choose to use
Windows APIs then you are on your own.  There is no guarantee that
Cygwin functionality like process handling, signals, pipes, etc.  will
work reliably.

>Qs/Stmt: Possibly setting the CYGWIN environment variable to "noglob"
>might cause things to work as desired.
>Ans: I am yet to test this, but I trust your answer. I am yet to
>figure out as to how I can set the environment variables CYGWIN with
>multiple values i.e. I need to set it with nodosfilewarning and
>noglob. I was trying to read though your code environ.cc and seems to
>me I can simply separate it with a delimiter. Your documentation is
>silent about it. If you know it off hand, please let me know, that
>will reduce some effort for me to read and debug though your code :-)

The documentation is most definitely not silent.


makes it very clear in the second sentence of the above section.


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