> -----Original Message-----
> From: D. Boland
> Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2014 03:08
> Thanks for the swift reply!
> I looked at Sendmails' source code. Here's the snippet which produces 
> the output from my first email. It's taken from the file
>                         sm_dprintf("dns_getcanonname: trying %s.%s
>                                 host, *dp, # if NETINET6
>                                 qtype == T_AAAA ? "AAAA" :
> # endif /* NETINET6 */
>                                 qtype == T_A ? "A" :
>                                 qtype == T_MX ? "MX" :
>                                 "???");
>                 errno = 0;
>                 ret = res_querydomain(host, *dp, C_IN, qtype,
>                                       answer.qb2, sizeof(answer.qb2));
> As you can see, it first prints the host to be looked up, and then 
> passes the string unaltered to res_querydomain.

You are right, there is a bug in res_querydomain, 
Line 737 *(ptr++ - 1) = '.';   should be
*ptr++ = '.';
I would also add a debug printf at the top of the function:
DPRINTF(statp->options & RES_DEBUG, "querydomain \"%s\"  \"%s\" type %d\n",
Name, DomName, Type);

Unfortunately I am not setup to build Cygwin so I can't test the above nor
submit a proper patch.


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