On Fri, Jul 11, 2014 at 10:27:00AM -0500, Ismael Farfán wrote:
>Hello list
>I've been searching allover the internet for "fork gcc cygwin linker"
>and stuff like that without much look :(
>In my test I use pthreads, fork, waitpid, random and other POSIX
>stuff, so the linker returns "LNK2019 unresolved external symbol..."

That's not a GNU linker error message.  You need to build Cygwin
programs with Cygwin tools.

>What do I have to pass the compiler to get those functions?
>We use the ictl (intel) compiler, but gcc hasn't worked either.

C library functions are in the in libc.a (aka libcygwin.a) but
you need to be building a cygwin program using Cygwin's gcc for
things to work properly.  You can't just link in a library which
contains fork into a Windows program.  That won't work.


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