Thanks Larry.

> This is not the recommended way of handling this situation.  You end up
> with a ".new" extension if the DLL was in use at the time of your upgrade.
> In this case, setup*.exe schedules a replace of your existing DLL with the
> ".new" version on reboot.  So if you find such a file on your system, the
> sanctioned resolution to this is to reboot.

OK, thanks for clarifying the update process. I thought maybe setup
when started will try to update a file anyway (if not in use at that
time, even though it was in use before).

Note that I did not know there was "a situation" in the first place :)
I definitively rebooted multiple times in between and it looks like it
did not get replaced - maybe an issue with scheduling a replace?

> You must have subscribed to the list and requested a digest.
That I was.

> By default, any email replies to this list go to the list.
Makes sense, however it would not go to this thread, probably just
create a new thread, correct?

> The best way to get individual messages from this list that are easy
> to reply to is to subscribe without using the digest option
Agree, had I been subscribed, I would have gotten the message to reply
to, but I unfortunately was only getting digests.

Just to note - I'm not asking for the poster to reply to me, just
wondering if it's possible to somehow send a mail and tell the mailing
list software to thread beneath a specific node of the thread index.
E.g. put In-Repy-To: <msg ID> (which I can get from the raw text of
the post) in the body or something like that that I'm not aware of?

If not, there's no way to thread properly in various cases such as:

- I've posted something a month ago and don't want to be spammed by
unrelated posts (which would be hundreds in that time span), then a
reply comes
- I've accidentally deleted the mail
- I want to respond to a post that was posted before I subscribed

Any suggestions? Or is this not as common use case as I think it is?

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