On 7/31/2014 10:51 AM, Peter Hull wrote:
VC integration in emacs has stopped working for me in the past few
days. Using emacs debugger I found the last function call was to
call-process which never returns.

I can reproduce this by evaluating in Lisp Interaction mode (using ^J)
(call-process "pwd" nil t)
I would expect to see the PWD and exit code but instead it just hangs
until I Quit it (^G)

I am using GNU Emacs 24.3.1 and confirmed cygwin and all packages up
to date. (cygwin DLL 1.7.31)

I can't reproduce this. I tested both emacs-X11 and emacs-w32, on both 32-bit Cygwin and 64-bit Cygwin. Can you think of anything on your system that has changed in the last few days? And have you tried starting emacs with the '-Q' option to rule out a problem in your initialization files?

You should also attach cygcheck output, as suggested at http://cygwin.com/problems.html.


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