On Aug 14 13:01, Achim Gratz wrote:
> Achim Gratz <Stromeko <at> NexGo.DE> writes:
> > I've just tried using "-e PATH=/bin" in the sshd service startup, but
> > PATH still seems to be hardcopied from Windows
> I did this wrong.  I had to re-install the service, not just adding a
> startup parameter.  With "-e "PATH=/usr/bin" the resulting initial PATH from
> an ssh login is "PATH=/usr/bin:/bin".  So I can use that as a workaround and
> we can spend some more time to think about whether that behaviour from
> cygrunsrv or sshd needs further adjustment or if just the install helper
> script should ask for these things.
> Thanks for getting me on the right track.

That means the patch to sshd isn't that important.  Nevertheless, I
just released cygrunsrv-1.60-1, which prepends /bin to $PATH.

Funny enough, the README file claimed that /bin gets prepended to $PATH
since the early days.  Just the actual code didn't follow suit :-P


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