I'm not making progress on this, but I've come to the conclusion that it
is highly unlikely that the existence of the second (64bit) Cygwin
installation has anything to do with the problem, first reported here:


Meanwhile I've tried to make sure that the two installations don't
interact by creating a separate privileged user for both of them, but
that's not made a difference.

So let me re-phrase the question, given:

- Windows Server 2012R2 64bit running on hardware
- Cygwin 32bit (latest snapshot from 2014-08-18 w/ AD integration)

can anybody confirm they have gotten sshd successfully running?  As far
as I can debug this, the sshd I have installed goes through all the
motions of checking and setting up the environment, but any process it
then spawns to actually run my command or shell immediately exits.

+<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+

Factory and User Sound Singles for Waldorf Blofeld:

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