On Aug 22 15:04, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> Corinna Vinschen (oops, Mom..) wrote:
> >the latest snapshot on https://cygwin.com/snapshots/, 2014-08-22,
> >contains a massive change in exception handling
> It seem there is some problem between this snapshot and.. ehm... Emacs.
> (Really I am using my build from trunk but maybe a general issue..)
> The following occurs in Cygwin64 on Win7U.
> Usually, I have the Emacs init file in ~/.emacs.d
> $ ls -lrt .emacs.d/
> totale 25
> drwxr-xr-x+ 1 angelo None     0  2 mag 23.32 elpa
> lrwxrwxrwx  1 angelo None    36 19 giu 21.45 init.el ->
> ../porting.apps/emacs/init.el.cygwin
> -rw-------  1 angelo None  7212 22 ago 14.35 history
> -rw-r--r--  1 angelo None 10011 22 ago 14.40 desktop
> where init.el is, really, a symboling link to the real init file
> init.el.cygwin which lives in ~/porting.apps/emacs.
> Now, with this snapshot, starting Emacs,
> $ emacs &
> ignores the initialization. I have to change the symbolic link with the
> true-real file (renamed from init.el.cygwin to init.el, obviously)

There was no change at all in symlink handling so this is a bit
surprising.  And in general, symlink handling still works as before.
For testing I copied all ~/.vim* files to ~/porting.apps/vim/ and
created symlinks to them.  Still works nicely.

Can you provide two strace, one with 1.7.32, and one with the snapshot?
Also, can you provide something really simple which I can use in place
of an init.el.cygwin file?  And then, how do I know it has been picked
up or not?


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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